Picture books offer talking points, examples, and language for real life situations. Learn how to use books to engage with your child about big topics in a safe, affirming space.
Wilmette Public Library, in collaboration with the McKenzie Elementary PTA, invites parents and caregivers to build community through this interactive picture book workshop. We will recommend picture books on big topics and current social issues, and demonstrate how to engage kids in meaningful dialogue. Bring your questions and concerns.
Children 4 and older can enjoy a storytime and craft in the small meeting room while adults attend the program.
From the south: Go north on Green Bay Road. Turn left on Wilmette Ave. Turn right on Park Ave. Library is located on the corner of Wilmette Ave. and Park Ave. Parking lot is on the north side of the building.
From the north: Go south on Green Bay Road. Turn right on Wilmette Ave. Turn right on Park Ave. Library is located on the corner of Wilmette Ave. and Park Ave. Parking lot is on the north side of the building.
From I-94 (Edens Expressway):from the South - exit at Lake Ave. East. Go east on Lake Ave. a little over 2 miles. Turn right on Park Ave. • from the North - exit at Rt. 41/Skokie Blvd. Turn left (east) on Lake Ave. Go east on Lake Ave. a little over 2 miles. Turn right on Park Ave.
Mass transit options include CTA, Metra, and Pace.